How to make butternut soup: best butternut soup recipes

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Butternut squash is one of the healthiest plant foods. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C and E, folate, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. There are various ways of consuming butternut. You can roast, steam, or boil it. Learning how to make butternut soup is necessary because many South African households eat this soup.

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Butternut squash provides many health benefits. Besides being loaded with vitamins and minerals, it is a source of dietary fibre. If you have been wondering how to make butternut soup, continue reading to discover easy and quick recipes you can try at home.

How to make butternut soup

Butternut soup is one of the commonest South African soups. It is delicious and can be consumed at any time of the day. It is also widely consumed in other parts of the world.

Different people have different soup recipes they can swear are the best. Some are easy, while others are complex to prepare. If you are looking for easy soup recipes in South Africa, check out the options below.

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Easy butternut soup recipe

If you search for easy soup recipes in South Africa, butternut squash will appear top of the list. Below is a simple and healthy recipe that requires less than an hour for preparation.



Tip: It is easier to peel your squash if you microwave it whole for 30 seconds before peeling.

Rich butternut soup recipe

If you are looking for a simple but rich recipe, check out the one below. Adding some vegetables and a bit of cayenne pepper gives it an extra kick.



Simple and creamy butternut squash soup

If you have been looking for a creamy butternut soup, try the one below.



Butternut soup with sesame and butternut seed toppings

Did you know butternut seeds are a good source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids that promote heart health? Below is a recipe that adds nutrient-rich sesame and butternut seeds for a tasty and nutritious soup.



Butternut curry soup recipe in South Africa

Curried butternut is one of the common dishes in South Africa. If you enjoy the taste of curry, you can make some curried soup using the steps below.



Creamy butternut soup with avocado

Do you love avocados and squash? If so, you should combine the two to make a delicious soup using the recipe below.



Tip: If you do not consume dairy products, you can substitute the cream with coconut oil.

What goes with butternut soup?

Butternut soup goes well with bread, croutons, glazed carrots, sandwiches, and kale chips. You can also choose another accompaniment of your choice.

Do I need to peel butternut for soup?

You do not have to peel butternut for soup because the skin is also edible. However, most recipes call for peeling. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

How long does butternut take to boil?

It takes about 15 minutes of boiling for butternut to soften. You can always confirm it is cooked by testing with a fork. It should be fork tender, i.e. a fork pierces through effortlessly.

How do you thicken up butternut squash soup?

You can thicken your soup with a bit of flour or cornstarch. However, this may not be necessary if you reduce the amount of water or stock when simmering the butternut.

Learning how to make butternut soup is a must for every foodie. Try the simple recipes above and let us know which one you like best.

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We recently published several easy banting recipes you should try in 2022. Banting is a form of dieting for weight loss. It entails avoiding sweets and carbohydrates.

If you are on this low-carb diet, you should find easy and quick recipes that promote weight loss and management. You can enjoy these meals without worrying about gaining extra weight.

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