Lalela Mswane to Represent SA at Miss Supranational, Peeps Curious About Zimi Mabunzi and Dr Moratwe

Publish date: 2024-05-04

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The official Miss South Africa social media accounts revealed that reigning Miss SA Lalela Mswane will be competing in the Miss Supranational 2022 pageant. The pageant is set to be held in Poland in July.

The news does not seem to be met well by pageant followers in Mzansi. Lalela already represented South Africa at the Miss Universe pageant and Saffas want to know why runner-ups to Miss SA, Zimi Mabunzi and Dr Moratwe Masima, were not chosen.

A handful of cyber citizens ran to the defence of Lalela, stating that she is the reigning Miss SA and if she was not able to compete, only then would Zimi or Moratwe have to step in.

Below is the announcement made by Miss SA:

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Cyber citizens want Zimi or Moratwe at Miss Supranational 2022

@titusson_zealot said:

"We love Lalela but we wanna see new people occupying those spaces stop being weird. You actually setting her up. I hope she gets wise to decline this. Ai."

@Khomotjo1 wrote:

"Are the other two are not good enough to represent us? She represented us at Miss Universe. It’s done."

@tololodj shared:

"Would I be wrong to say this whole thing is a scam? Last year you told everybody that the other two contestants would represent us internationally. Is this how you empower girls?"

@heynaatasha responded with:

"You guys did the two other girls dirty. Lalela had her chance, why must the other two girls dreams be crushed???? They are clearly hurt."

@portiashirla tweeted:

"What??? What about the other ladies?"

@DonaldNkomo asked:

"Why? What happened to Zimi?"

Proud Zulu girl: Miss SA treated like royalty when she met King Misuzulu

In more news about Lalela, Briefly News previously reported that Miss Universe runner-up Lalela Mswane made her way back to Mzansi and more specifically her home province of KwaZulu-Natal.

She was afforded the opportunity to meet the Zulu King, Misuzulu kaZwelithini and show him her new crown. The 24-year-old beauty queen met the Zulu king at the KwaKhangelamankengane royal palace the weekend she arrived.

Her visit to the royal family was part of her homecoming tour after she won Miss South Africa back in October 2021. The King said that he regarded Lalela as an ambassador for the Zulu nation and if he were able to he would take her on every trip, even overseas.
